Hey buddy! So you are in or up to enter in a contest and want as much likes as you can to win a prize right? Guess what! It’s not a big issue. Really you can get much more like than you have imagined getting by following these few steps so here we go.

Get Another Hand For You

Most of the contests don’t mind that you are using your friends in the contest to win as what they want is just likes, wherever they are coming from so step on the gas and ask your friend to help you and enter the contest with him/her. As we know 2 are better than 1 so it will help you in that. Your friend will also be helping you to get a better number of likes on your desired page, photo or whatever it is. So in this way you’ll be able to get twice likes as compared to your sole efforts.


Put it on Your Notice Board

Yes you might not think of it before but this is also a good way to achieve your target and effective as well. Put it on the notice board that you need this kind of favor. People have a good habit to help usually so whether they know you or not they will help you to get inner satisfaction. It makes them feel peaceful after helping someone. Plus you can also find people who can do this for you in exchange of same favor. They will ask you to do the same thing for you what you want from them so be ready for this as well and make good relationships and new friends in this way as well. This will increase your friend circle and number of likes as well.

Get Your Friends and Family Involved

First of all what you can do is to get your friends and family involved in it. Post your request on your wall and ask your mates to like your photo or whatever is the requirement of the contest. You can get good results because your friends and family can do this favor for you easily. But to get good number this is not all as you should have thousands of contacts in your Facebook friend list to get 500-1000 likes. So this is just 1 step. Its response depends on your request by which you are asking the favor and the relationship you have. But don’t worry let’s just move further.

Buy Facebook Photo Likes at Cheapest Rate

This is probably the best way. Yes! Luckily there are some companies as well who can do it for you without any effort. If you don’t wanna take this pain on you and do all the efforts, this is goanna be the best way for you. Companies like 1000-likes.com have already took all the pain and done all efforts mentioned above. They are associated with so many communities and on hundreds of site and have access to thousands of friends. The only thing you have to do is ask them to give you likes in exchange of a small amount and they will do the rest. They can spread your request in social media like a virus and get you 1000s of like very fast. They are considered true likes as real people will do it for you and you won’t be having any problem with that in the contest. So its goanna be the easiest way to get likes and guess what you have already won your contest. Now enjoy your prize.