Today in our post we’d like to present you several tips for getting more likes on Facebook. So, here we go:
1: Focus on What You’re Posting:
The statistic says that photos get 50% more likes 104% more comments and 84% more click-thoughts in comparison with text posts and link posts. Also, all the people need the dialogue, that’s why “question” posts are also enjoying popularity.
2: Think About the Post Timing:
For the better results, concentrate on when you’re posting your information. The peak activity time is 3 p.m. Also, pay attention to the 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Regarding weekdays, the perfect posting day is Wednesday. Be stable and create 2-4 new posts every week.
3: Be Nice to Your Audience:
People like nice individuals. You can like your friends’ posts and leave positive feedbacks, that will encourage them to return you the favor. In addition, you may share the content from others. That will make you closer to your friends and will show them that you have common interests.
4: Use Humour With People:
If you want to attach peoples’ attention, you should make them laugh. Don’t share black humor or vulgar jokes, because that will only push your audience away.
5: Make Use of Hast Tags:
If there was an offline event and for any reasons you had to take photos of different people, it’s the perfect opportunity to share all these photos with the others on your page and encourage people to rag themselves. All these photos will appear on their Facebook profiles and soon they will like your page.
6: Magic of @ Symbol:
This is one of the perfect ways of letting others know about your Facebook page. A trick is that when you type @ symbol in front of your page name, the link becomes clickable and people can freely visit your page and evaluate the content.
7: Use Link in Email Signatures:
This is an easy way to be sure, that the link to your Facebook page is seen by the large audience. Wisestamp helps you in dynamic email signature creation and drives more people to your page.
8: Use Facebook Applications:
There are a lot of different applications created for the Facebook. Some of them are expensive, and the others you can get for free. You can choose the best one for your needs and your demands, because some of them were created for markers only, or for the big companies, but the others for users only.
9: Fan Box for Your Website:
Create a Fanbox and add it to your site. This is quite an effective tool for “likes getting”. You have all chances to get many likes on Facebook from people reading your blog or visiting your site. If you still don’t have it, you’re missing the great opportunity.
10: Get Likes By Advertising:
We have a system by which we can advertise your page, post, image, status or anything you post on your page or profile and we can deliver 1000s of real facebook likes to your page. What we do we manage, control and monitor lots of big pages, communities and website where we advertise your page to get real likes. Click on the button below to get Likes for Your page.
About the author: Melisa Marzett is an active Facebook user and today she presented her tips connected with this social media network. If you like this article and want to find more works by Melisa, use classy essay writer.