I know you are looking for more and more people to like and share your Facebook status. First of all if you are sharing image on Facebook make sure that it is high definition because a blur image does not get as much attention as a high quality image does. There should be no water mark or something like that which will reduce the quality of the image. Remember, quality items always go viral on Facebook.

Should I Choose an Image or a Text Status?

Here let me make one thing clear that its human mentality that he is more attracted towards colourful items as compared to dry looking text which is in same size or font. A message can be written in an image and then shared on Facebook and according to the a survey picture status got 70% more attention, likes and shares as compared to a text. For Example: check the below image, I am sure that you have seen this image first and then started reading the whole post.


So always try to create attractive messages and then create them in images which are easy to read and understand. and people will defiantly like and comment on it.

Interesting Things Always Go Viral on Facebook

Do you know what are interesting things? If no then see your Facebook wall and check what are the things which attract your attention at the very first look. Of course they will be interesting things like you can share videos. How to’s or you can create a full in the blank kind of thing that will grab more people.

Create a Contest and Ask People to Participate

Contests are interesting things and people love to participate in them on Facebook because they are easy in nature. You can create a simple contest for example: “like if you are agree and comment if you are disagree with the given sentence”. It will cover all type of people who are on your page and they will definitely like and comment.

Get More People to Share Your Facebook Status

What if you are running a company page where we cannot shares jokes or clue kind of kind. Or a page where only serious topics are discussed then it could be a problem to get alot of likes for a photo you share on Facebook and may be people will not share it further.

We have a solution for this. We have huge number of Facebook pages, groups and communities where real people are sharing different things. What we will do we will choose the related group or page and will publish your photo or status on that page and in this way you will get 1000s of real likes and shares on your status, post or images.

What is process to get started?

The process is very simple. We just need your post, status or photo URL and that’s it. We do not need your Facebook credentials or anything like that. Are you thinking about the privacy? Oh come on, Don’t worry about it. We do not share any of your information to anyone. Lets discus about the price, We do not put much burden on your pocket. just click the button below and if you want to get more you can see our plan.

You can also have our monthly Plan which will be customizable according to your need and requirements.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any question.